New Operational and Development Manager at the Eskdalemuir Old School and Community Hub and Café

Upper Eskdale Development Group (UEDG) have recently appointed Lara Porter as their new Operational Development Manager to take over the day to day running and development of the Eskdalemuir Old School Community Hub and Cafe.  

Lara has lived and worked in the valley for 20 years, and brought up her three children here.  Her eldest son started at mothers and toddlers at Eskdalemuir School prior to its closure.   

She was involved in the day to day management of Tanlawhill estate and cottages for a number of years.  During this time Lara did her Masters degree in Organic Farming, and worked with organic farmers to set up a region wide network to improve the marketing, communication, buying and selling of produce.  

Lara worked for Dumfries and Galloway Council in a variety of roles.  She was a community development worker and one of her tasks was conducting community consultations and assisting in the asset transfer of the old Eskdalemuir primary school to the Upper Eskdale Development Group.     

More recently she has been working for the council as a Senior Customer Service Advisor and Assistant Registrar.  Supervising Gretna Registration Office, Library and Customer Services and Langholm Town Hall Customer Service, registration, and Library.  She especially enjoyed conducting weddings.  

Victoria Long, Chairperson of the Upper Eskdale Development Group said “We welcome Lara to the hub and look forward to working with her in the development and delivery of existing and new activities. She hopes to explore ways of increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of the hub as a community resource, providing opportunities in a rurally isolated area to improve local peoples health and wellbeing.   

UEDG is very grateful for the support of this position by the National Lottery Community Fund, The Robertson Trust and Muirhall Windfarm.”  

Meet and Greet Event  

We are inviting the local and the wider community to visit the hub on Thursday afternoons 30th Sept, 7th 14th and 28th October, between 2pm and 4pm when Lara will host ‘Meet and Greet’ sessions so she can get to know the community, and to find out what their wants, needs and ideas are for the Hub.